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 Worship, Discipleship, and Christian Love.


Find the weekly bulletin, weekly supper menu, past sermons, and other resources here.

Men’s Prayer Breakfast

Men's prayer breakfast MEN'S MINISTRY EVENTMEN'S PRAYER BREAKFAST| Men's Ministry Event Join us for a special Men's Prayer Breakfast, "Husband and Wife Edition." Enjoy fellowship, food, and a time of sharing the Word together. We’ll have plenty of food for all! Date:...

Galentine’s – Women’s Ministry

Galentine's Women's Ministry"Gal"entine's Day Celebration: Honoring Godly Friendships "Love each other with genuine affection, and take delight in honoring each other." - Romans 12:10 NLT Come join the FBCM Women's Ministry for a delightful evening of dinner and...

Prime Timers

Prime Timers  Senior Adult Ministry Prime Timers  Senior Adult Ministry Monthly Luncheon  This month's menu: Pulled Pork Join us at First Baptist Church Meridianville for our monthly luncheon, where we come together for delightful food, warm fellowship, and a brief...

Church-wide Bible Memorization

FIGHTER VERSES We are thrilled to announce our 2025 Bible Memorization initiative! Our aim is to collectively memorize 52 verses as a church family throughout the year. We will provide resources such as Bible reading plans and memorization tools to inspire and support...

Wednesday Night Supper

Wednesday Night Supper MENUFebruary 12th: Chicken Stuffed with Cheese & Ham, Green Beans, Rice Rolls, & Dessert February 19th: Chicken Doritos Casserole, Rice, Salad, & DessertSign up on Church CenterLet us know if you are coming by signing up in advance...

Awana Clubs

awana clubs Calling all adventurous youngsters from preschool (starting at 2 years old) up to 6th grade! 🌟 Get ready to embark on an exciting journey with us at AWANA Clubs this Wednesday! Immerse yourself in the thrill of discovering Bible verses and stories...

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More Information

(256) 828-1607

175 Monroe Rd. Meridianville, AL 35759

We’re Always Here for You