Wednesday Night Supper 


February 12th: Chicken Stuffed with Cheese & Ham, Green Beans, Rice Rolls, & Dessert

February 19th: Chicken Doritos Casserole, Rice, Salad, & Dessert

Sign up on Church Center

Let us know if you are coming by signing up in advance so we can plan the food and seating! Sign up under “Events” on your Church Center App or by clicking HERE.

Frequently Asked Questions

What time is Wednesday Night Supper?

Wednesday Night Supper takes place every week on Wednesday from 4:45 to 5:30 PM during the school year. It is usually on break during school breaks such as Spring, Summer, Fall, and Christmas breaks.

Do I need to register?

Yes, please register ahead by using the Church Center App if you have it, or you can CLICK HERE to register.

Registration closes on Tuesdays at noon.

What is on the cost?

Supper costs $6 per adult and $5 per child, with a max of $25 per family (please select the “Family of 5+” option for each person if your total adds up to more than $25).  If you’d like to pay with cash or check upon arrival, simply select the “Pay Later” option on the payment page.  We hope you will join us for fellowship!